欧拉 AULa
Tekton EuSino
Team: TEKTON Architekten, Inbo
Fase: Concept Design
Creating a masterplan for the Xixian government in China. The new town, Xixian International Cultural Eductional District, is designed to parallel a European city with the main concept of being a landscaped park running through the campus. The university campus acts as the heart of the town where student activities' interact with both general public activities and cultural events. Busy and lively areas allign and bind the buildings through a mixture of activities which are counterbalanced by the more quiet parkscapes along the river. Downtown relies on shops, restaurants and terraces on one side, and entrances to the university buildings on the other. It acts as the central spine, in which access to the parks and riverside are made easily.
The new town, Xixian International Cultural Educational District, is designed to parallel a European City. Where the featured public area characterizes the space between the buildings. The heart of the town is the university campus where student activities' interact with both general public activities and cultural events.
Three City Reference
Site overview
Thematically the architecture is marked by a stony base. From the river up to the urban street the stony base goes from a full volume in zone C, to a plinth in zone B and almost dissolves into a canopy / arcade in zone A. In zone A and B a rhythmic volume sequence is build on the base.
Dividing the Program
An efficient traffic system makes all the quarters accessible by cars, but they don't dominate the area. In the neighborhoods they share access with pedestrians and bicycles. The centre can be reached by car and public transport by following a main road that crosses the river by the central bridge. The bridge is not only a traffic object but serves as a viewpoint of the river as well.
Concept of the River
Along the river the border forms a continuous space connecting without interruption the north with the south. Along the north-south connection multiple east-west routes cross to form shortcuts for walking through the area.
Section 1
Section 2
Profile 1
Profile 2
Profile 3
Concept for the Block
Library for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Library for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Library for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Research Institute for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Research Institute for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Research Institute for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Research Institute for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Research Institute for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Research Institute for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Theatre for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Theatre for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
Theatre for Xixian International Cultural Educational District
15 - 25